
Showing posts from May, 2014

Integrity Levels and Internet Explorer Automation

I recently came across a problem with a VBScript which simply navigates to two intranet URLs (opening one in each tab), but coming up with the following error: The VBScript source code (comments omitted) simply contains the following: navOpenInBackgroundTab = &h1000 set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") oIE.Navigate "http://host1:8080/app" oIE.Navigate " https://exchangeserver/owa ", navOpenInBackgroundTab oIE.Visible = true  Line 23 refers to the last line of the code, but why are we getting an error when this script previously worked fine under Windows XP? This MSDN blog ( ) has the answer, but  if you're struggling to understand some of the concepts let's review: The key points to understand are:  - The Internet Explorer Frame Manager always runs ...